Twelve state and local ballot initiatives related to climate and conservation, totaling more than $18 billion, that The Nature Conservancy engaged in were approved by voters in the United States yesterday. One was in the State of Washington, where voters blocked an effort to roll back their state’s climate and conservation policies.
The largest public funding measures were in California, where $10 billion was approved for climate priorities, including wildfire prevention, clean water and resilience; Suffolk County, N.Y., where $6 billion was approved for clean water; and Minnesota, where $2 billion was renewed for land and water conservation programs.
“When the issue of conservation and climate is highlighted and elevated on the ballot, we find time and again that voters overwhelmingly support these initiatives,” said TNC’s Senior Director of Strategy Adam Snyder. “This year is no different, with 66% of voters supporting conservation and climate proposals.”
TNC state chapters engaged in the ballot campaigns in a variety of ways, such as leading them, serving as overall strategists and steering committee members, making direct financial contributions or leveraging our trusted brand through endorsements of the measures. The wins are summarized below.
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